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Following are the first five simple steps you need to do in order to get your setup and start selling to your Customers.

User Dashboard:

Upon logging into Print Network you will be greeted by your Dashboard also known as the home screen.

From your Dashboard, you are able to access the following,

  • Chat Stats
  • View current Jobs that include any of the following:

-- Missing Artwork

-- Missing Approval

-- On Hold

-- Being Tracked

  • Timeline of all you're recently viewed and changed orders.
  • To Do list
  • Order's Being Tracked
  • User setting.
  • Search Bar
  • Sticky Notes

Chat Stats:

In the Chat Stats window you are able to view statistics of all the chats you have taken for the current Month.

  • This window will display for you the following:

Total Chat's for the Month                     Bad Reviews                           Average Chat Response Time     

                                  Good Reviews                    Average Chat Duration.

Orders Missing Artwork / Orders Missing Approval / Jobs on Hold:

At the top of your dashboard, you will find two boxes titled Orders Missing Artwork, Orders Missing Approval. (Shown Below) 


  • From here you will be able to keep a close eye on all your orders that are either missing Artwork or Artwork that is missing approval.

  • Upon selecting either of these boxes you will receive a list of the selected option as shown below.  

Jobs on Hold:

When you select (Click on) Jobs on Hold this will navigate you to the page where you will see a list of all Jobs that have been placed on Hold.    

  • You're able to search and filter by Status  and date range.

  • **Artwork Status (Approved or Not Approved) as  well as a date range of when Artwork was last updated.** 

Tracking Orders:

If you have important orders that you may need to flag or keep a watchful eye on then tracking that order would be a good idea.

  • To track an order go to the  order itself and select the Track Order button from the top right.

  • Select the Track Order checkbox.

  • Add your notes.

  • Add the date and time you would like to be reminded of this task.

  • You could also add labels and Invite other users to watch alongside yourself.

  • Once you are done just click Save.

  • Once you track an order  you will be able to see it  here on your Dashboard 

  • To View the Order's you are tracking Click Tracking.

  • The tracked orders list will open up on the right side of the page. (as shown above)
  • From here you are able select an order to go to, View details and Un-track an order once that order has been complete.

Order Timeline:

  • From the Dashboard you will find your Order Timeline Windows.  
  • From this windows you are able to view all of the orders you have as well as any comments you have included in the order.
  • To be taken back to the order itself simply click on either the order number or comment.

To Do List:

  • To add a task to your ToDo list go to your Dashboard and find the Todos List Window. (Shown Below) 

  • Add a title or comment.
  • Then select Add Task.
  • Once the task has been  successfully added you will see it listed below.
  • To complete this Task you would simply click on the check box.

User Settings:

  • To access your profile settings hover you pointer over your name in the top right corner of the screen.

  • Select My Profile.

  • By selecting My Profile you are able to View/Edit the following,

Personal Info such as First and last name, Address and Phone number.

  • Login Credentials will allow you to change your email and password.

**Layout Customization**.

  • Edit position of navigation bar
  • Navigation Fold
  • Where your toolbar is positioned
  • Toolbar and Navigation Bar Color
  • Router animation 

Pay Info including Deductions and take home as well as a countdown to payday timer.

Time Cards

PTO and Responses to your PTO Requests.

Sticky Notes:

  • To place a sticky note simply click Add Sticky Note in the top right of the web page.
  • Once selected a Yellow sticky note will appear on your Dashboard. (Shown Below)

  • From here you could fill out the sticky note with the info you need.
  • This will stay on your screen until you wish to close.
  • To close, simply click the X in top right.